Ace Reunis


Ace is a serial entrepreneur with proven experience building successful e-commerce brands. In 2018, he co-founded Threadheads, turning it into the leading online Aussie graphic t-shirt brand and one of the fastest growing e-commerce businesses in the country. In 2020, he co-founded HeapsGood, an eco-friendly packaging brand with a mission to make e-commerce sustainable, taking it to 7 figures in annual revenue.

Ace lives and breathes Threadheads. In addition to leading marketing and growth, he is deeply involved in product, operations, finance, and customer experience. His ambition is to help build Threadheads into a globally recognised brand that is synonymous with creativity, nostalgia, and fun.

He also enjoys greeting his employees in Spanish and sending no-context GIFs and emojis in Microsoft Teams. He thinks it's endearing and disarming, but everyone else thinks it's just weird.