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Nils Vesk

Innovation Expert

Around the globe, leading companies such as Nestle, HP & Pfizer turn to Nils Vesk to share his unique game changing innovation techniques for formulating commercial insights, ideas, extraordinary customer experiences and irresistible products.

Nils Vesk is an international authority on innovation and the inventor of the ‘Innovation Archetypes Process’. This process enables common people to create uncommon market leading innovation that empowers organisations to forge forward in new markets, whilst driving incredible commercial returns.

Nils’s captivating storytelling coupled with his practical innovation processes consistently increase learning transfer and create commercial gains. In fact, his most recent client, a major US manufacturer R&D team, doubled their innovation output in the 12 months following his engagement. Put simply, audiences who work with Nils shift from creating insignificant ideas to becoming indispensable idea generators that continue to realise innovation for years to come.

Nils unpacks the million-dollar innovation principles used to create rapid growth for the future. This enables organisations to shift from being on the back foot, to identifying and seizing the customers of the future. Equipping them to rapidly invent the products, processes and services that create raving fans and insatiable customer desire. Nils is a Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) Certified Speaking Professional (CSP), the designation held by fewer than 10% of professional speakers globally.

Nils is the author of an number of books including Ideas with Legs - how to create brilliant ideas and bring them to life, and Innovation Archetypes - principles for world class innovation.